

TRM02 unique features as follows: ● Real-time tracking ● Built-in acceleration sensor for vibration alarm ● Support ACC detection, real-time reporting car status ● Connect to OBD, the brain of your car ● Advanced Reports that Provide Accurate Data and Monitor Productivity ● Fuel sensor, better for fleet management ● SOS button ●Voice monitor function ●Geo-Fencing ●Secured Username & Password ●Compatibility with different models of the car/motorbikes,trucks etc We offer free installation and deliver at your doorstep Contact Us on: 0542873094 / 0507118722
TREMIS offers comprehensive vehicle tracking system and fleet management solutions for individuals and companies who want to improve productivity and secure their assets. We are the leading vehicle tracking device provider in Ghana. TREMIS sells and installs advance tracking devices in cars, trucks, tractors and any other moving machines so that you can track and monitor their activities. Customer Support :We offer live support for any kind of tracking requirements and in case of emergency, we are just a call awa y. NOTE: We offer free installation and deliver at your doorstep. ITS FREE!!!!!!!!!!! CALL US ON 0542873094 / 0507118722
Monitor Your Vehicle on any mobile Phone and PC, ETC -Track your vehicle Speed -Parking Time -Engine Start Alert -Geo-Fencing -Satellite View and Map View -Live Tracking -Prepare Reports and statistics -Remote Engine Shutdown -Check fuel Consumption -Listen And record conversations -Web Base platform for monitoring -Secured Username & Password Our GPS Tracking Device can be installed discreetly. Compatibility with different models of the car, trucks, motorbikes, etc. We offer free installation and deliver at your doorstep. No extra charges We are just a call away. 0542873094/0507118722

Fleet Management and Monitoring of Automobile

Monitor your Vehicles live when they drive, remotely playback history, listen and record ongoing conversations, set a geographical fence to restrict vehicle movement, shut Down the engine of the car on any mobile phone, PC, tablet Call Abimax Gh for your Tracking device installation. Free delivery anywhere anytime Contact us on 0542873094 / 0507118722


We are a leading West African provider of tracking solutions and dedicated to providing the highest quality products and services to its customers. We supply our products to individuals and fleet companies, and coperate bodies.Our GPS Tracking Device can be installed discreetly. Compatibility with different models of the car, trucks, motorbikes, etc. We offer free installation and fast delivery at your doorstep. No extra charges We are just a call away. CALL US ON 0542873094/0507118722


Our Vehic­le GPS Track­ing syste­m provi­de fleet owner­s with a power­ful tool to incre­ase billi­ng and reduc­e costs­.This repor­t gives a compl­ete accou­nting of every­thing trave­l relat­ed that happe­ned in a given day. It is the full scope of infor­matio­n that makes this repor­t the most widel­y used by our custo­mers. For each unit/­vehic­le, the follo­wing infor­matio­n is displ­ayed: start time, end time, durat­ion, actio­n (stop or trans­it), locat­ion, maxim­um speed­, and dista­nce. With this devic­e you can:W­ith this devic­e you can: -Liv­e Monit­oring­: Monit­or and track your vehic­le or fleet using our web base 24/7 monit­oring platf­orm or throu­gh sms. -Mon­itor direc­tion and speed­. Thus givin­g You the power to Track your Vehic­les Live when they drive­. -T­rip Histo­ry: View compr­ehens­ive trip histo­ry for each asset in your absen­ce - Remot­e vehic­le immob­iliza­tion that allow­s you to send a comma­nd to shut down vehic­le's eng...